Showing posts with label funny. Show all posts
Showing posts with label funny. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 10, 2015


Chaos seems to be a requirement these days. But not in the way we’re used to. Much has been lost and much is to follow. Let’s not forget that each future moment contains the potential for more future moments. Moving, walking, dancing, running. These are all simple methods by which we expend and share kinetic energy. There is perhaps more unused energy within us than there are gas guzzling vehicles on the road. True. How much are you willing to bet that we will advance to the state of pure energy? By which of course I mean shedding our physicality permanently and effortlessly. I know it sounds foolish. But it is foolishness that keeps us going. Well, foolishness and oxygen. I once tried to stare deep in between the space between existence. You know… the dark matter which divides and supports all celestial bodies. It takes some getting used to but is well worth the strain. If only every human being could stop focusing on material things and devote more of themselves to constructive goals and aspirations. I understand that we all have our own personal paths to maintain and whatnot. But I also know that most of us do whatever we can to deny this fact. Drowning our sorrows and fighting all the wrong fights for all the wrong reasons. War and poverty then dilute us and tear at what is left of our souls. Not to mention all the mundane minutiae we’ve been forced fed from day one. Is this really what you believe in? Surely you know there is another way. You must know. We must know. Our barbaric ways did help us out back when we had to hunt and gather our food. But do we really need to cling to such states of aggression today? Maybe we do but I am more than willing to do away with that and all negative emotions. Society is a funny system. Funny yet bold. Am I living within society or is society living within me?

Monday, November 5, 2012


I've yet to have a very profound intimate relationship with anyone. Sure I've had certain females in mind for such a role but none of them really panned out. Actually, none of them harbored any feelings towards me. It was as if they viewed me as some mystery that is better left a mystery.

They were probably right. I mean how could I even hope to provide anyone with even a shred of stability? Try as I may... it is not one of the traits I carry.

The first girl to ask me out was Jacqueline. Most people called her Jackie. It was during seventh grade math class. I was thrown off by it. I had just begun to cultivate my own identity that year when she first took notice of me. Our teacher was pretty adamant about carrying the decimal over to its proper place. I had just figured out what she meant by "proper place" and felt a tap on my right shoulder.

"Hi, Ryan. Will you go out with me?" Jackie practically whispered to me while hiding behind her geometry textbook. I stared at her face for a few seconds before answering. I wanted to say yes but it came out as, "No." I then got up from my desk, grabbed the hall pass and walked smoothly towards the boys' restroom.

I looked into the mirror and asked myself, "Why the hell did you say no? Are you insane?" I half expected to have an answer to my own question. The only thing I could come up with was that I thought Jackie was just joking around or something. It was seventh grade after all. And seventh grade also happened to be one of the years in which I considered everything to be nothing more than a joke.

When I returned to class I immediately noticed the somber look on her face. I felt awful but decided it was best to bury my head in some trapezoids and hexagons. The minutes flew by; I did not look at her again until the bell rang. I watched her get up from her desk, clutching her personalized binder, and slowly walk out of the classroom.

The full force of what had occurred did not hit me until I arrived home later that day. I then began to dissect the entire moment; second by second. "If she was serious about it then the least she could have done was tell me she was serious." I said to myself while pondering long and hard. I allowed it to boggle my mind for a few more hours before finally giving up on the whole prospect of understanding her motives.

I saw her plenty of times after that. We had almost all the same classes. I don't think she even bothered to tell anyone about how I turned her down. I don't blame her. I don't tell people about my rejections either.

The rest of the year went by uneventfully. Well, it was uneventful for me but I witnessed plenty of classmates find love and heartbreak. Jackie was one of them. She had two short flings over the course of two months.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Raked Potential

Rake it in. Rake it in. Bare your knuckles to immorality. What ails you? Is it truth? There is none. Not to your recollection.

Imagine if you will a bag of something. Something precious. No, it does not contain money or anything material. It does not contain negative slogans or epitaphs. Nor does it contain false promises.

What it does contain is of little concern to a humanoid such as yourself. But its potential is of enormous value to you and your species. Let's call this bag of potential the Human Will.

On a clear and concise day most people can distinguish between positivity and negativity. During cloudy days most people choose to find fault with such a skill. What a shame.

Why must we always shy away from our defining characteristics? Normalcy is not an option. It has never been an option. Normalcy behaves like a possum. For the most part it appears alive and vibrant but it is quite adept at mimicking death.

It is not normalcy we seek. In fact, we actually seek a path away from normalcy. Everything we do and encounter during our day to day activity only serves to distract us from finding that path.

It needn't be difficult but it is so because we choose to make it so. Funny thing is... there is plenty of pie to around.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Contrasting Laughter

A few days ago I was approached by a devout christian who was intent on having me agree with him. I humored him a little and he moved on. The very next day I met a diehard skeptic who was intent on having me agree with him. I humored him a little and he moved on. I then started laughing at how much these two have in common. Both sides should just kiss and makeup already!