Thursday, December 24, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
My Review of Distressed TMNT Logo t-shirt
Originally submitted at
This Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles shirt features a distressed variant of the TMNT logo.
Fit: Feels true to size
Length: Feels true to length
Pros: Soft, Great Colors, Stylish, Comfortable, Flattering
Best Uses: Casual Wear, Special Occasions, Wear To Work, Night Out
Describe Yourself: Sexy, Bargain Shopper, Casual, Classic, Eclectic, Trendy, Career
Great shirt to wear to a pizza parlor!
My Review of Flux Capacitor Back to the Future t-shirt
Originally submitted at
This Back To The Future shirt features the Flux Capacitor: "It's What Makes Time travel Possible". It also made BTTF one of the greatest trilogy's of all time. Without it, no one would have believed that time travel could really happen. This shirt is...
Fit: Feels true to size
Length: Feels true to length
Pros: Comfortable, Stylish
Best Uses: Special Occasions, Wear To Work, Night Out, Casual Wear
Describe Yourself: Bargain Shopper, Casual, Eclectic, Classic
I put it on and instantly travel back to 1985!
Friday, December 18, 2009
Friday, November 27, 2009
Saturday, November 14, 2009

These are a few of the abstracts I have painted so far. Plenty more than this. I don't know exactly what compelled me to start creating my own art but I do enjoy it. These pieces are currently up for auction on EBAY along with my other pieces. Very cost friendly, a few cents and dollars. I'm not looking to take people's hard-earned money. Please take a look at them and let me know what your interpretation is. My username on EBAY is: buddhkist
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Molecular Essence
Everyday I imagine our entire planet revolving around the Sun. What causes our planet to revolve with such precision? If our Universe is just a great big series of random chaos then surely our planet would have been knocked out of orbit immediately after its birth.
There really isn't such a concept as emptiness. What we perceive as empty space/air is actually filled with an infinite amount of energy. Is it purely coincidence that this infinite energy exists at all?
I would think that if our existence is truly an accident then we would have already been witness to an infinite number of great catastrophes. Far greater than what our human brains would be able to comprehend.
The very fact that we exist at all could be evidence enough that there is much more than coincidence at work!
Monday, October 12, 2009

Sunday, October 11, 2009
A Response To 2012
Friday, October 9, 2009
Creating Energy
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Monday, October 5, 2009
Saturday, October 3, 2009
At Dawn's Light
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Friday, September 18, 2009
Favorite Flavor
Of knowing what you’d like to do.
For the rest of your life.
Because dreamers are always worth the wait.
Wait and see. What they invent next.
It is a possibility.
We are the true scientists.
Of our dysfunctional generation.
At last we dine. And realize that talent is a bunch of bullshit.
People sell their souls for a little green paper.
We all have aspirations.
Selling our soul isn’t one of them.
That flavorful feeling of self-worth.
Is best achieved through self-readiness.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Mankind's Fallacy
Do I hate people? Short answer would be NO. Long answer would be YES. I know that I am not the only one who feels this way. Perhaps I am but one of an extremely small percentage that actually sees reality for what it is. Not the huge jigsaw puzzle that we have made it into. There was once a time before all of our petty squabbles. When our planet was as pure and innocent as a new born infant. Then the first signs of complex life emerged and evolved. No one truly knows why. Maybe our planet grew lonely. Maybe our Universe grew lonely. Or maybe something else entirely happened. One thing we can be certain of is that our very existence is a priceless gift.
Some of us choose to squander this gift. While others go on to achieve the impossible. It is solely up to each individual how they choose to use this gift. It never ceases to amaze me how so many people will complain when a problem arises but will hardly ever take the time to find a solution. Even some organizations we turn to for guidance don’t offer much in the way of problem solving. Let’s face it, we are always left to fend for ourselves. When was the last time a politician gave a few thousand bucks to a single mom who can’t afford to buy food for her kids because according to the government she makes too much money as a full time waitress. When was the last time ANY of us received the help we needed from the people/groups we were told had our best interest in mind. And not days, weeks or months later but right then and there when we truly need help! It inevitably always boils down to each individual. There may be a few exceptions every once in awhile but for the most part we are ignored. It should not be this way! But it is. Every human being on this planet has the right to live, work and play however they see fit! Yet there are those who still believe that we are an inherently violent species and to give us control over everything would guarantee our demise. There may be some truth to that, if we were all still living in caves and hunting wooly mammoths for nourishment.
Our early ancestors were a very primitive race. It’s not like they had much of a choice. Their survival greatly depended on their hunting skills. They also dealt with their fair share of fights with other nomadic tribes. Which often resulted in the bloody deaths of the losing tribe. I agree that we do still have some residual traits leftover from our early brethren. But we have also evolved SO much since then that we no longer have to hunt for our food or worry about being chased out of our homes by a prehistoric lion.
If you constantly expect the worst out of EVERYONE then that is what you will get. Most of us have heard something along those lines. Such as “You catch more flies with honey than vinegar,” or, “Think positive and good things will happen.” Though not many of us have actually analyzed these platitudes. I have come up with my own way of explaining the meaning behind positive thinking. I know there are literally thousands of books, movies, and audio lessons out there on the subject. It really isn’t that hard to comprehend.
Behind every action there is an equal and/or opposite reaction. I’m sure we’re familiar with that theory/formula. One thing that we always seem to fail to remember is that behind every action there is ALWAYS a thought or thought process. When working a horrible back-breaking job one tends to feel miserable so therefore that individual will usually have nothing but negative thoughts running through his/her mind. Either for the duration of the job or even for quite some time after. Likewise, someone working a job they actually like doing will have mostly positive thoughts running through their mind. And those positive thoughts have the potential to last for much longer then the duration of the job. Another example would be when we think about or visualize something that makes us happy or content. If someone is asked to think about their favorite chocolate bar then they will most likely be overcome by positive feelings, even if it does not register on their face. Now, if that same person were asked to think about a sad moment in their life it would be safe to assume that they are not going to be experiencing the same feelings of elation. Unless they happen to suffer from some form of brain trauma, that would be the only exception.
Our thoughts are a lot more powerful than we think and have far more control over us than what we give them credit for. Often times it can be difficult to think positively. Especially during strenuous times. For a lot of us all we have to fall back on is our thoughts. There are also a lot of obstacles that do their best to pull us back into our familiar negative thought patterns. Most of them succeed at deterring us. But there are some that don’t. And for every positive thought we have that uplifts us and changes our mood for the better…there is always an infinite number of negative thoughts that will bring us crashing down. Usually without any notice.
It helps to constantly remind yourself that YOU control your thought patterns. Only YOU can decide to change your negative thoughts into positive ones. Sure there will always be other people out there who will either mock you or try to convince you that positive thinking is just a load of crap. They are entitled to their own opinions. Some people may never understand their own thought patterns. Some may just be too afraid to venture off into unfamiliar territory. That is all perfectly fine. Each individual does have the right to do whatever they wish with this gift known as life.
Perhaps as a species we will always be in a constant never-ending cycle of learning. When you stop to think about it there are really only 3 things that are promised to us: BIRTH, LIFE, DEATH. Nothing else is promised or guaranteed. Not even our future is a certainty!
We have but only one tool to guide us through this harsh reality….our minds. And more specifically, our thoughts. I often wonder about the many things we can accomplish as a species if we all just made a collective effort to think positively. You would think our governments and/or world leaders would create some kind of law/program that would encourage a world wide movement. They could but don’t. Not because they don’t have the resources to do so but because, again, they still hold firm in their belief that mankind still needs “guidance” and “government”.
The only way I can see my current disgust fading is if one of these days our many “leaders” finally fess up to not knowing what to do and that they really don’t have the public’s best interest in mind. It wouldn’t have to be in those exact words but something similar would suffice. Then and only then will more people start to awaken to the very fact that it is US, mankind, who governs our own lives. We know what to do because we have ALWAYS had our own best interests in mind. Some laws have helped along the way but not all. I also hold firm to the belief that when faced with some kind of strife/struggle the human brain kicks into a new mode of thinking. Which then in turn allows us to create many spectacular things and accomplish what was once perceived as “impossible”. Maybe by my writing down my own thoughts about this subject I will take some small comfort in knowing that my own thoughts have the potential to inspire many other thoughts. And in that case, I will continue to change my own thought patterns for the better. I owe it to myself. We ALL owe it to ourselves to appreciate our minds, thoughts, ideas, opinions and most importantly…our LIVES!
“Only when mankind is standing on the edge of a precipice is he forced to change!”
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Let the light turn to day
evening and dusk
resemble trust
loneliness and love
resemble us
much too much
frustrate us
We use our illusions to manipulate
but we abuse
our Reality
and misuse diplomacy
for no benefit
other than profit
Thursday, September 3, 2009
There is still some part of me that thinks it is some sort of illusion. Usually I would agree with that if it weren't for the fact that I am the one performing these "illusions". I also get this strange feeling that seems to almost pulse throughout my body. It doesn't hurt or cause any discomfort. The best way to possibly describe it would be like the feeling you get when your hand/foot falls asleep. Or when you rub your hands together vigorously. There is that weird after feeling. Familiar but weird. I don't think I will document much of these "experiments". Mostly because there is already a VAST amount of telekinesis videos all over the internet. And also because I am fully aware of the high amount of skeptics out there who have made it their life's calling to quickly dismiss a lot of things. I do have a bit of an affinity toward such analysis. I myself was once a diehard skeptic and to some degree still am. Skeptics play a vital role in our society and have just as much right to denounce/analyze whatever they want. Just as many devoutly religious people believe very firmly in their own truths. There is a balance to everything within our Universe.
"Let the believers believe. Let the non-believers analyze." -Unknown
Friday, August 28, 2009
Monday, August 24, 2009
I definitely know and have pretty much always known that humanity has suffered greatly and therefore it can be VERY difficult to see beyond suffering and imagine a much more peaceful existence. There is no doubt in my mind that many "organizations" have done their best at controlling the populace, lulling them/us into a false sense of security. The one good thing I have noticed is that more and more people appear to be awakening to this fact. They are awakening slowly but nonetheless are still awakening. I realize to hope for a massive worldwide change is quite lofty. Nevertheless, I remain true in my hope and/or faith in mankind. Whether it means being witness to a cataclysmic destruction of our race or bearing witness to the dawn of the age of enlightenment.Yes, we do have a tendency to become hostile towards each other but I like to think of it as something we inherited from our primitive ancestors. Their violent actions were useful to them because they had to hunt for their food and fight off any other nomadic tribe that would try to steal from them. I don't believe humanity as a whole enjoys fighting. It is just one of those traits that still lingers in us. We should not try to suppress those urges but instead channel them into much more useful endeavors. Personally, I have never been in a full-fledged physical fight. I have stood up to many "bullies" that would pick on me or anyone else but for some reason they just never followed through with their threats. I've found that usually when someone wants to physically harm you it is because they have been hurt themselves either emotionally or physically. It doesn't even matter if you were the person that caused them harm in the first place. The best technique for beginning any internal change is Introspection. Introspection can be defined as self-analysis. The same way a psychiatrist or psychologist would examine a patient's emotional behavior. With Introspection we are able to go much deeper and gain a greater understanding of ourselves and our actions. Not very many people are willing to give it a try because it does mean having to confront a lot of things from your past, things you may wish to never deal with. Once you are able to break through those boundaries, whatever they may be, you will find that you actually like who you are and what you are capable of accomplishing.Our existence is not always sunny and bright but we do not have to be content with living a life of negativity. We are what we perceive ourselves to be. Our future is shaped by the infinite power of our minds.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Friday, August 21, 2009
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Is existence just an infinite cycle that has never really had a beginning? One would think that there was at least some kind of minute event that took place which allowed everything to exist. Something which also allowed a creator to create and have his creations create. If there was no beginning then could there have been an "ending" which then immediately took the form of a continuous cycle?
There is an answer to this perplexing conundrum....somewhere.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Sunday, August 16, 2009
At Odds End
Everything that is supposed to happen is currently unfolding before our very eyes!
Saturday, August 15, 2009
The Old Is New
We all know this deep down within our consciousness.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Monday, August 10, 2009
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Friday, August 7, 2009
Things have been steady, to say the least. Still doing my best to write down all of my mind clutter. My book is coming along. I think I kind of go back and forth between wanting to finish it and not wanting to just because I am afraid it won't turn out the way I have it planned in my head. But I suppose none of that matters anyways because I can always rewrite it and edit it.
There's no validity in me thinking beyond the story.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Energy Drink
All we have to rely on as of right now is our own minds and our capacity to love unconditionally.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Friday, July 24, 2009
Live For Life!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Answers Are For No One
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Overcoming Ego
We often seem so quick to label someone or something as our “enemy”. Hatred is a strong emotion and cannot be denied. Although, there exists within us perhaps the greatest enemy of all mankind. The Ego! Just about every war throughout history was the end result of someone’s ego taking control. We’ve all had those moments when we disagree with someone else’s opinions or ideas and we try SO hard to make that person agree with us that it eventually leads to something much more heated. You may not notice it at the time but it is at precisely that moment that the Ego kicks in. I believe one of the biggest stereotypes about the Ego is that it is only connected with negative thoughts and/or purely selfish actions. Indeed it is, but it also encompasses positive thoughts, emotions and actions. Anytime you accomplish something and feel proud or happy your Ego then feeds off of that. There is nothing wrong with “feeding” your Ego but it is best to keep a watchful eye on it.
I suppose the most important question would be, “How do you overcome the Ego?” While there are plenty of books on the subject, some with very useful techniques, the most important resource would definitely be yourself. By which I mean the process of introspection. Introspection can also be referred to as self-analysis. After all, who knows you better than YOU? The process is quite simple but it does bring forth many suppressed memories. Even some that you thought you made peace with years ago. The human brain is great at storing information for later recollection. Think of it as a computer. When you want to save an important file you make sure to do so and save it in a location where it can easily be found. Our brains work in the exact same manner. Though, often times it does seem like we have no control over what information our brain takes in. That is where introspection can be a helpful tool.
There is no right or wrong way to begin. You need only a quiet spot, free time and a determined attitude. It is much like meditation except that instead of focusing on your breath you will be focusing on the different emotions and thoughts that arise. Thus, analyzing each one. It helps to hear/read about other’s experiences before attempting something new. The way in which I went about it was quite personal but it definitely cleared a lot of the “cobwebs” in my head. I essentially divided up each of my emotions into their own separate person.
Every emotion that I could think of I did my best to imagine them as their own living, breathing embodiment. Joy was its own person, jealousy was its own person, happiness was its own, apathy was its own person. Then I eventually combined them all into two main beings. One represented every positive emotion and the other every negative emotion. It gets kind of weird after that but I then had to talk with each one. I actually had a long conversation with both representatives. I won’t divulge all the details as to what was said but the main thing I expressed was the need to understand how each one of my emotions interacted with each other. I learned that there were a lot of emotions that I had been denying and hiding. It doesn’t seem like much of a breakthrough right now but at that moment it was a very profound realization! There were many other epiphanies I experienced, after the first one they all just seemed to fall out of nowhere. Every now and then I will notice my Ego trying to take hold once more but all it takes is just a quick pause and a deep breath to remind it that it can no longer be the ruler of my mind.
Be advised, the whole process of Introspection takes practice and time. It is not a quick fix for all mental complexities. If you happen to suffer from ANY kind of severe mental disorder then it is always best to get treated by a competent professional.
With that being said, do not become discouraged if you do not see any results for awhile. Remember, our brains have been preprogrammed since childhood. Any attempt to reprogram will of course bring about resistance. Once you move past that initial stage then you will find the whole process quite interesting. Another great side effect that will occur is you will learn to truly love your mind for the amazingly complex and wonderful thing that it is!
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Story Ideas, Chicken Salad
Also had some awesome chicken salad today.
PEACE! :-)
Monday, June 29, 2009
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Some Notes I Am Pondering
Forgiveness. No grudge. Do not hold grudges. We all have the potential to forgive. Modern society tells us otherwise. Modern society is nothing but a construct of our own insecurities.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
New site:
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Memories Past
I remember when we were SO desperate for food that we found some old bag of cornbread mix and cooked up some of it. I think the mix was way past its expiration date though because the cornbread was not very tasty. We were able to keep it down though, that was the only good thing about it. lol Our drummer Anthony then decided to pour some chocolate syrup on the cornbread for extra flavor. I do recall it wasn't that bad with the chocolate syrup. If I had to decide whether I wanted to relive those moments all over again or just have them completely erased from my memory...I would definitely choose to relive them. It was one of those experiences that not everyone gets to go through. Most probably choose not to go through.
When all of your energy is channeled into one task then everything else seems to be dwarfed by comparison. Everyone should pursue whatever makes them happy, even if you fail a thousand times. Follow your dreams, follow your dreams. :-)
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Mental Capacity
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Been Busy
As for my writing career right now, it is still in its infancy but I am getting new ideas everyday. I am doing my best to write them all down before I forget them. I have also decided to resurrect a series of stories/books I used to write when I was 13-14 years old. I remember I would hand write them and had my Mom make copies of them with the copy machine she had at work. My Dad would also draw the cover pictures for me. He grew up drawing all of those classic comic book heroes and monsters from old black and white movies. All the stories were in essence spin-offs of the Goosebumps books series. I wrote them during a time when just about all of my friends were really into those books. We used to have reading contests with them too and see who could finish the newest book the fastest. None of us ever cheated either, I think I even won a bag of chips once too. Mostly we would just play for bragging rights though. Anyways, the first story I wrote was titled The Haunted Knocker, it was about this halloween decoration that had this menacing green goblin face on it and would play different sayings when someone would approach it. BEWARE! WELCOME! Those were some of the things it would say. In the story I actually made myself the main character and I discover that the knocker has come to life and is trying to take over my mind/body in order to continue living. I won't describe it anymore than that but it did have a bit of a surprise ending. All of my stories had surprise endings. The nice thing about them was that they were pretty short and just got right to the main plot points. So all of my friends and classmates immediately loved them. My 6th grade english teacher liked them as well. I only wish that I still had the original copies of those stories. I had placed them in a shoe box and had the box in my closet and then I just kinda forgot about them for awhile. My Dad said that he had put some of his stuff and my stuff in a storage room when I moved to Florida after graduation. They were most likely thrown away by the manager after my Dad fell behind on the rental payments. I do kind of still remeber most of the stories. It's a good thing they weren't too long. Just thinking about rewriting them is really getting my creative juices flowing. I have already started writing the first story in the newly revived series. It will be titled "The Thing In The Desert". So far it is coming along nicely.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Extraterrestrials Are Among Us
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
I don’t consider myself to be a very disciplined Buddhist, though I do very much agree with most of its teachings and philosophical theories. To me Buddhism is about awakening to the realization of our universal interconnectedness. What does that mean exactly? It can be hard to put into terms that are easily understandable but the simplest definition would be that we are all connected by all of the ever-present energy fields throughout our universe. When we are born into this world we are brought up to believe that reality has limitations and that we can never move past these limitations no matter how hard we may try. Unfortunately, this perspective then eventually limits our way of thinking and acting. Most of us just go through life never questioning our internal influences and then naturally assume that our thoughts and emotions actually make us who we are. When in fact, our emotions and thoughts are only part of a process…a process we call our personality. There is proof everywhere of the many changes that people make concerning their personalities. If someone has a bad personality they can make the changes necessary to create a good personality. If someone has a good personality and they experience dramatic changes then they may choose to adopt a bad personality. Each of us experiences many different thoughts and emotions on a very regular basis. The important thing to keep in mind is that these are all part of your personality and your personality is just a never-ending process. With that said, we are all bound and connected by that very same process. Our experiences are universal, no matter how small or how big they may seem. Buddhism was founded on that very knowledge and has remained true to it for 2500 years.
Monday, June 1, 2009
I really don’t think many people have time to read pointless blogs that drone on and on about who someone hates or what kind of music they like. Perhaps in the not too distant future people will use the internet so much that they will be able to integrate it into every facet of their home life and business life. The only reason I started this blog was so I would have another outlet to stretch my creative muscles. I have kept many paper journals throughout my life which document different stages in my life. It is pretty interesting to read them and start reminiscing about what mindset I was in at the time. Usually when I start a journal I end up taking a long sabbatical from writing in it for some reason. My first actual journal documents my life as a struggling musician in Tampa, Florida. Though it actually begins with my first semester in community college in El Paso, Texas. There has always something about the traditional education system that seems to bore me. I’ve always learned better through hands on projects and activities. In high school I was a part of a great program called Synergy, which integrated regular course work with many technology based team projects. We were able to learn new perspectives from each one of our teammates. It proved to be very valuable to me because before I joined synergy I seriously thought I would not graduate from high school. I was also pretty engrossed by all things music and guitar related. So when graduation time rolled around, I was somewhat shocked to learn I was graduating. I remember I went through so many changes during those four years.I know most teenagers do, but I went through many more in addition to the regular teenage angst. I consider myself pretty lucky because there were so many times when I wanted to give up and lay down and die. Thanks to the support of my teachers and the synergy group I was able to push through all of the feces that was clouding up my mind. There is so much more to write on the events that took place when I was in Florida but I’ll write that later. Just one important thing for all of us to remember….human potential is infinite!