Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Not a lot going on right now. I’m actively looking for ways to acquire some start-up money for my ebay business. Math has never been my strong suit so it kinda feels weird to have to figure out a bunch of numbers. I’ll come to one conclusion then realize that I have to figure out a much more “realistic” one. I did have some money set aside in order to cover some shipping costs but then some bastard asked for a refund on a phone he purchased. It seriously drained a significant portion of that money! Now I am trying to figure out a way to supplement those shipping costs. I mailed out 7 items today that should’ve been mailed out last week and I still have to mail about 8 more items. I really do not have the money to cover shipping right now. I know I will find some way to get around that. Just waiting for that light bulb to turn on.

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