Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Her essence was both sweet and sour. She pursed her lips together and mimed some Spanish verbs. I eyed her hips as she jogged around the block. Her curvature pleased me. I wanted to grasp her arm and spin her around.
She turned the corner; I hesitated but followed. I imagined what I might say to such a beauty. "Hello! I adore you!" No... she'd be creeped out by that.
I jogged a little closer until I could see the butterfly tattoo on her left shoulder blade. It was blue with purple polka dots on its wings. Just above its antennae was the name Linda. I uttered the name quietly but not quiet enough. She stopped jogging, turned around and smiled at me.
"Hola!" She said. "Hola!" I said. I tried to think of what other Spanish words I knew. My memory evaded me.
"I don't mind if you follow me. I could use the company." She spoke excellent English.
"Oh uh okay. How far do you usually run?" I asked hesitantly. "Not very far. I just started up again. But not because I want to lose weight. I just like being outside in the sunshine. You know what I mean?" She began stretching her arms towards the sky. For a brief moment I thought she was actually going to touch it.
"Yes. I do know what you mean. By the way, my name's David." I offered my hand, she shook it. "Pleased to meet you, David. I'm Linda." She stopped stretching then started jogging again. I resumed keeping pace with her.
"Nice to meet you, Linda. Would you mind if I kissed you right now?" I was surprised I had actually spoken those words.
She did not appear bothered by it at all. We both stopped jogging and counted our breaths.
"You really want to kiss me?" She ran her fingers through her auburn hair. "Yes I do. I truly do." We stared deep into each other's eyes; deeper than two individuals have ever stared. Time became a distant recollection.
Finally, I leaned forward and then she leaned forward. Our lips came into contact at precisely the right second. Sparks flew off us and propelled into the cosmos. A surge of passion ignited within me then quickly transmuted into telekinetic waves.
I looked down at my feet and noticed them hovering several inches off the asphalt. Linda noticed too and proceeded to kiss me harder and with more gusto. A loud thunderous echo reverberated throughout both of our bodies.
"The light! It is embracing us!" Linda shouted in ecstacy. Two immense beams of light quickly wrapped around us and elevated us to a higher vibration.
"We are returning to where it all began!" Linda exclaimed. I could not speak. I felt very, very serene. We both soared through an infinite amount of illumination until every part of us was broken down and absorbed back into the entirety of existence.
We returned home. Now... we are able to shine down on all of mankind.

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